current location : Ginkgo Biloba Extract Water Soluble

Ginkgo Biloba Extract Water Soluble


Product Name

Latin Name


Ginkgo Biloba Extract Water Soluble

Ginkgo Biloba L.

Flavones ≥24% Lactone ≥6%

Quercetin/kaempferol 0.8--1.2    Gingko Acid ≤1PPM     Solubility:20:1


Tradtional Use

Ginkgo biloba is an ancient plant extract that has been used in China . The active components in Ginkgo biloba leaf are many. It is said to contain over 40 different chemical compounds, but the two most active constituents are flavonoids and terpenoids.

Pharmaceutical Clinical

The most common ingredients found in functional drinks include herbs, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and some additional raw fruits or vegetables.

On the basis of health benefits associate with functional drinks, the global function drinks market can be segment in four broad categories namely, Hydration drinks, Energy or Rejuvenation drinks, Weight Management drinks and Health & Wellness drinks.

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Industry park,tiefu town.jiangsu,china
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