current location : Ginkgo Biloba Extract CP2015

Ginkgo Biloba Extract CP2015


Product Name

Latin Name


Ginkgo Biloba Extract CP2015

Ginkgo Biloba L.

Flavones ≥24% Lactone ≥6%   Quercetin/kaempferol 0.8--1.2    Gingko Acid ≤10 PPM

Free Quercetin ≤1.0% Free Kaempferol ≤1.0% Free Isorhamnetin ≤0.4%


Tradtional Use

Ginkgo seeds have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, and cooked seeds are occasionally eaten.

Pharmaceutical Clinical

Ginkgo has been used in traditional medicine to treat circulatory disorders and enhance memory.

The study of the well-characterized ginkgo product, found it ineffective in lowering the overall incidence of dementia and Alzheimer's disease in the elderly

It also shows promise for enhancing memory in older adults.

Laboratory studies have shown that ginkgo improves blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and reducing the stickiness of blood platelets.

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Industry park,tiefu town.jiangsu,china
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